Zirconia crowns: 3+ things you must know before installing

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What are zirconia crowns? Do you really need them? How long will a zirconia crown last?

Dental crowns are caps that cover a tooth or a dental implant. Dentists often recommend crowns as a way to support broken, weak, or misshapen teeth.

When it comes to the materials that crowns are made of, you have several possible options, including ceramic and metal. Another option that’s now available for some people is a zirconia crown.

I. Introduction

1.1 What are dental crowns?

Dental crowns, often known as porcelain crowns, are a coat that covers the visible area of the tooth. The form of each crown is determined by the original tooth. The benefit of porcelain crowns over metal-based crowns is an aesthetic component, since the replacement appears like the original, which is significant if you obtain the crown for your front teeth.

Dental crowns
Dental crowns
Dental crowns

1.2 Why are dental crowns needed?

You may want to consider a porcelain crown if you:

  • Have you recently had a dental injury? Would you want to prevent a weak tooth from fracture or fix a cracked, worn-out tooth?
  • An anchor is required for a dental bridge to keep it in place.
  • Want to reshape a crooked tooth, to enhance your smile
  • To cover and support the teeth by replacing a filling that has gone loose or dropped out.
  • Have been treated with a root canal treatment.

Porcelain crowns’ role is to protect the tooth while also enhancing the strength and durability of an existing tooth.

See more: Porcelain veneers 

II. What Is Zirconia?

Zirconia is a white solid ceramic glaze and one of several newer materials that combine metal’s strength with the aesthetic, tooth-like appeal of porcelain. And zirconia crowns are continually being developed to further improve their performance.

2.1 Advantages of Zirconia crowns

Zirconia is a white solid ceramic glaze that combines the strength of metal with the aesthetic, tooth-like appeal of porcelain. And zirconia crowns are constantly being improved to enhance their performance.

  • They’re durable: One of the most significant benefits of zirconia is its strength and durability. Consider how much force your back teeth exert on the food you’re chewing.Zirconia may be a good choice for crowns in the back of your mouth because it is a strong material. Furthermore, because zirconia is so strong, your dentist will not have to prepare your tooth as much.
  • Zirconia is biocompatible: Many dentists prefer zirconia because of its biocompatibility, which means it is less likely to cause the body to produce a reaction or immunological response such as inflammation. A 2016 in vitro studyTrusted Source confirms this, and it also found only a limited amount of cytotoxicity.
  • They can be shaped in the dentist’s office and need less preparation than other materials, meaning you can be fitted for your crown and have it placed in one appointment.
  • Zirconia can be layered with porcelain for an even more tooth-like aesthetic.
  • They can be shaped in the dentist’s office and require less preparation than other materials, allowing you to be fitted and have your crown placed in a single appointment.
Zirconia crown
Advantages of Zirconia crowns

2.2 Disadvantages of Zirconia crowns

Getting a zirconia crown, like many other dental procedures, can have some drawbacks.

  • Can be hard to match: One disadvantage of a zirconia crown is that it is opaque, which can make it appear less natural. This is especially true for monolithic zirconia crowns, which are made entirely of zirconia, though it may be less of an issue for back teeth.
  • Zirconia crowns can fail if not prepped correctly. Not all dentists are trained properly in preparing the tooth for a zirconia crown. And not all zirconia is created equal. The formulation of some zirconia may not be as strong as it should be.

  • Potential wear on other teeth: Although one of the many advantages of zirconia is its strength, there are times when a tooth can be a little too strong. For example, if your dentist needs to adjust your crown to even out your bite or file the crown because it’s causing damage to a real tooth, the strength of zirconia could be considered a disadvantage.
Zirconia crowns
Disadvantages of a

III. Zirconia crown cost 

Dental crowns in general can be very expensive, ranging between $800 and $1,500.

Zirconia crowns are generally more expensive than other types of dental crowns, such as ceramic, metal, and porcelain. They cost between $1,000 and $2,500. The cost is also affected by your geographic location.

Your insurance company may not pay for a crown. However, it’s always a good idea to check with your insurance company to see if they cover all or part of the cost of a crown, or if they cover specific types of crowns.

Zirconia crown cost 
Zirconia crown cost

IV. 5 types of dental crowns

Permanent crowns can be made out of many different materials. These materials can include:

4.1. 5 types of dental crowns: Gold, palladium, nickel, and chromium

These are are all metals that may be used to make dental crowns. Metal crowns are the least prone to break or shatter, wear down slowest, and require just a small amount of your tooth to be removed. The biggest disadvantage of this sort of crown is its shiny tint. The most significant drawback of this type of crown is its metal crowns. Metal crowns are an excellent choice for concealed molars.

5 types of dental crowns
Gold, palladium, nickel, and chromium

4.2. 5 types of dental crowns: Porcelain-fused-to-metal

This type of dental crown may be customized to match the color of the natural teeth next to the crown. They have a natural appearance. However, a black line can occasionally be visible as the metal beneath the porcelain crown top. Other disadvantages include the possibility of the porcelain portion of the crown shattering or breaking off, as well as the crown wearing down the teeth next to it in the mouth. Porcelain bonded to metal dental crowns may be a viable alternative for front or back teeth.

 5 types of dental crowns.
Porcelain-fused-to-metal crown

4.3. 5 types of dental crowns: All-resin

Resin-based dental crowns are frequently less expensive than other crown kinds. Although they wear down over time, they are more prone to cracking than porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.

5 types of dental crowns.
All-resin crown

4.4. 5 types of dental crowns: All-ceramic or all-porcelain

When compared to other crown varieties, these dental crowns provide the closest match to natural skin tone. They are also a good option if you are allergic to metal. They are not as strong as porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. Furthermore, unlike metal or resin crowns, they have the potential to harm the teeth next to them. Front teeth are ideal candidates for all-ceramic crowns.

 5 types of dental crowns.
All-ceramic or all-porcelain crown

4.5. 5 types of dental crowns: Pressed ceramic

There is a firm inner core in these dental crowns. Pressed ceramic dental crowns to replace the metal liner that’s used in the all-ceramic crown-making process. Porcelain is used to cap pressed ceramic crowns because it offers the closest natural color match. They are more long-lasting than an all-porcelain crown

 5 types of dental crowns.
Pressed ceramic crown

V. Process of installing crowns

5.1 Two-visit procedure

Porcelain crown treatment often requires two appointments. Because your tooth has been prepped for the porcelain crown. The dentist will take X-rays of the tooth and the bone around it during the initial appointment. If there are any following problems, you may require root canal treatment:

  • Tooth decay.
  • Risk of infection.
  • Injury to the tooth’s pulp.

The dentist will next locate and remove any vulnerable areas of the tooth to give space for a temporary crown. If your tooth has lost too much of its structure, a filling can be utilized to expand your tooth before the crown covers it.

After the natural tooth is ready, a paste or putty is used to make a copy of the tooth. The copies will also be made for the teeth above and below the tooth that’s getting the dental crown. The involved impressions are to ensure that the crown will not interfere with your eating.

The impressions will be delivered to a laboratory. The crowns will be made in a laboratory, which usually takes 2 to 3 weeks. While you wait for the permanent crown, your prepped tooth will be repaired with a temporary crown before your next appointment.

The second appointment is generally within the following two weeks, during which your temporary crown will be removed and the permanent crown will be examined. If everything is in order, the gum tissue behind your teeth will be numbed and the new crown will be placed.

Dental crown treatment in one day. If your dentist has the required equipment, dental crowns can also be manufactured in the office. This operation is carried out in the same manner as the conventional method, beginning with the removal of decay and contouring of the tooth to guarantee a complete fit inside the crown.

Because permanent crowns are manufactured in a single day, the next stage is different from the previous technique. Scanning equipment (sometimes known as a “wand”) is used to obtain digital images of the tooth inside your mouth. These photos are analyzed by computer software, which creates a 3D model of the tooth. The computerized design is then sent to a second in-house machine, which cuts a ceramic block into the shape of the crown. This technique is known as computer-aided or computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM). The crown is ready to be cemented into place in about 15 minutes.

5.2 Same-day installation

With this procedure, the dentist will:

  1. Examine your mouth, take digital pictures, and prepare your tooth for the procedure, which may include administering local anesthetic.
  2. Use the digital scan from the photos to create the crown in the office.
  3. Cement the crown into place.

VI. What problems can develop with a dental crown?

There are several issues that you might experience over time with your crown, including:

6.1 Discomfort or sensitivity

As the anesthetic takes off, a newly-crowned tooth may experience discomfort straight away. If the crowned tooth still has a nerve within, you may have some heat and cold sensitivity. Your dentist may suggest you use sensitive tooth toothpaste. When you bite down, you may experience pain, indicating that the crown is likely too high on the tooth. Call your dentist if this is the case. This is an easy problem to tackle.

6.2 Chipped crown

All porcelain crowns can sometimes chip. After small chips are repaired, the crown can be maintained in your mouth. If the chip is significant or many, the dental crown may need to be replaced.

6.3 Loose crown

The cement that holds the crown in place can sometimes be removed from beneath the crown. This not only causes the crown to come loose, but it also allows bacteria to enter and damage the remaining tooth. Contact your dentist if your crown seems loose.

6.4 Crown falls off

A dental crown can fall off. When this happens, it’s usually due to a faulty fit or a lack of cement. If this happens to you, contact your dentist’s office immediately. Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your tooth and crown before you can schedule a visit. The dentist may re-cement your crown in place. If the crown cannot be adjusted, it must be replaced.

6.5 Allergic reaction

Dental crowns are frequently composed of metals. An allergic reaction to the metal or porcelain used in the dental crown is possible. This is, however, extremely rare.

6.6 Dark line on crowned tooth next to the gum line

A black line may appear near the gum line of your crowned teeth. This is typical, especially if you have a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown. The metal of the crown is actually visible through this black line.

Zirconia Crown
What problems can develop with a dental crown

VII. How Can You Practice Good Oral Hygiene With a Zirconia Crown?

7.1 Practice number 1

Whatever material you choose for your crown, practice good oral hygiene as you would with all of your teeth. Brush at least twice a day, floss or clean between your teeth with interdental brushes or water flossers at least once a day, and consider using other helpful products such as antimicrobial mouth rinses and tongue scrapers. Visit your dentist on a regular basis not only to keep your teeth pearly white and bacteria-free, but also to check the health of your crown.

7.2 Practice number 2

If you have a tooth that is worn down, cracked, or chipped and are unsure whether zirconia is the right material for your crown, consult with your dental professional. With this newfound knowledge, you should be able to have an informed conversation with your dentist about your specific needs, such as the location of tooth damage in your mouth, the function of that tooth, the cost, and the aesthetic you desire. Then, together, you can choose a crown material that will give you a big toothy grin.


8.1 Will my dental insurance cover dental crown treatment?

it actually relies on what is covered by your dental insurance, as all dental plans and insurance policies are different. However, depending on the type, you may acquire a warranty automobile from BeDental that ranges in value from 7 to 30 years. In particular, you get a real 10-year warranty on Cercon HT porcelain teeth. Additionally, you have the option to select your installment plan using a credit card from one of the many institutions, including Vietcombank, Sacombank, VPBank, and HSBC,… The installation procedure is quick and easy.

8.2 How long will a zirconia crown last? 

Like gold crowns, zirconia crowns can last up to and over 20 years. They rank among the strongest and most durable tooth crowns.

How long will a zirconia crown last?

See more: How to Handle 3 Types Of Dental Emergencies While Working Abroad

8.3 Is zirconia crown better than porcelain?

Zirconia offers superior strength and durability for dental crowns. It is at least three times stronger than porcelain or PFM restorations. Unlike porcelain, zirconia can withstand wear and tear without chipping, so zirconia restorations tolerate the forces of mastication and bruxism.

8.4 Should I get an implant or a crown?

This is determined by the state of your teeth and the advice of your dentist. A dental implant is a man-made or prosthetic root that performs the same function as a natural tooth root. The implant is placed in your bone, where the root would be, and is utilized in conjunction with your jawbone to give a long-lasting and solid fit. Your implant is essentially the foundation for your dental crown. They collaborate to replicate the structure and look of a real tooth. A crown can replace a portion of a fractured tooth, but it cannot completely repair a tooth without the use of an implant.

8.7 Does a crowned tooth require any special care?

The underlying tooth must be protected from decay or gingivitis, though. It would help if you thus exercised proper dental hygiene daily. These routines include flossing once per day, rinsing after meals, and cleaning your teeth twice per day. Eat less food that is cold or hard to avoid damaging the porcelain crown.

Above is an article that Lang moi shares for you, if you have any questions that need to be answered, don’t hesitate to contact us!



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