Periodontal disease and 12 common periodontal diseases

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Periodontal diseases are mostly caused by infections and inflammation of the gums and bone that surround and support the teeth. In the early stages of gingivitis, the gums may enlarge, get red, and even bleed. Periodontitis is a more severe form in which the gums peel away from the tooth, potentially resulting in bone loss, tooth loosening, or even tooth loss. The majority of instances of periodontal disease occur in adults. Periodontal disease and tooth decay are the two most serious threats to oral health.

Periodontal disease
Periodontal disease


Bacteria in the mouth infect the gum tissue that surrounds the tooth, causing inflammation and periodontitis. When germs remain on the teeth for a lengthy period of time, plaque, also known as calculus, forms. When tartar accumulates below the gum line, cleaning the teeth becomes more difficult.  Only tartar removal by a dental professional can arrest the spread of periodontal disease.


Periodontal disease is anticipated by the warning signals listed below:

  • A persistent unpleasant taste or bad breath
  • Gums with red or swelling
  • Bleeding or sensitive gums
  • Struggle with chewing
  • Missing teeth
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Your teeth’s gums having separated
  • Any modification to the way your teeth bite together
  • Any modification to the partial dentures‘ fit

Risk factors

Periodontal disease is risky because of a few things:

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Oral hygiene issues
  • Stress
  • Heredity
  • Uneven teeth
  • Immune deficits that are underlying, like AIDS
  • Placings that have degenerated into defects
  • Taking medicine that makes you feel dry mouthed
  • Old bridges that don’t fit anymore
  • Alterations in female hormones brought on by pregnancy or the use of oral contraception
Periodontal disease
What are the periodontal diseases of the tooth? What is one of the most common periodontal diseases? What does the most damage to your teeth?


Following these steps can help prevent or manage periodontal diseases:

  • Brush and floss every day to remove the bacteria that cause gum disease.
  • For checkups, see the dentist at least once a year, or more frequently if you have any of the risk factors or warning symptoms listed above.


A healthy mouth and regular professional cleanings aid in the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. Although more careful treatment may be required, severe instances of periodontal disease can still be successfully treated. This form of therapy may include deep cleaning of the tooth root surfaces below the gum line, oral prescription medicines, topical therapies administered directly to the gums, and, on occasion, corrective surgery.

See more: Periodontal disease and 12 common periodontal diseases

12 common periodontal diseases

1. Toothache

A toothache is discomfort in or around the teeth and jaw that is mainly caused by decayed teeth. Mild toothaches are caused by minor gum inflammation, which you may treat yourself. More severe toothaches, on the other hand, are caused by dental disorders that will not improve on their own and will require an appointment with the dentist.

2. Stained Teeth

Periodontal diseases: Stained Teeth
What are the periodontal diseases of the tooth? What is one of the most common periodontal diseases? What does the most damage to your teeth?

The right approach, like your laundry, will be able to eliminate several stains from your teeth. Medications, tobacco, and certain foods may all darken your teeth. You have three options for lightening them. Your dentist may employ a whitening solution in addition to a specific light. Alternatively, you might whitening them at home with a plastic tray and gel obtained from a store or the dentist. The simplest solution is whitening toothpaste and rinses, however these only remove surface stains.

3. Cavities

It’s awful that you have such small gaps between your teeth. They form when a layer of sticky germs on your teeth known as plaque builds up and begins to destroy the enamel, the tooth’s hard outer coating. Adults may also have tooth decay at the gum line and on the edges of earlier fillings. Reduce your intake of sugary snacks, floss daily, use fluoride mouthwash, brush your teeth at least twice a day, and schedule frequent dental checkups to help prevent tooth decay. Ask your dentist whether a sealant may be beneficial to you.

4. Chipped Tooth

It is the most prevalent type of dental damage. Chips might occur as a consequence of an accident. Similarly, doing something lot less spectacular, such as munching popcorn, can have the same effect. If the chip is large, your dentist may recommend a crown or bonding with a strong resin material to heal the injured area. If the pulp is in risk, you may need a root canal followed by a veneer or crown.

Periodontal diseases: Chipped tooth
What are the periodontal diseases of the tooth? What is one of the most common periodontal diseases? What does the most damage to your teeth?

5. Impacted Teeth

Periodontal diseases: Impacted Teeth
What are the periodontal diseases of the tooth? What is one of the most common periodontal diseases? What does the most damage to your teeth?

An “impacted” adult tooth is one that does not erupt properly. It frequently happens when a tooth impacts soft tissue, bone, or another tooth. If you don’t find it unpleasant, a dentist may suggest you not to worry about it. However, if it hurts or may cause problems in the future, an oral surgeon can remove it.

6. Cracked Tooth

You may not know what caused it, or you may have been chewing while playing football without a mouthguard, but you now have a shattered tooth. Can your dentist preserve the tooth? It differs. Most dentists prescribe crowns for cracked teeth to prevent the crack from worsening. If the tooth is both heat and cold sensitive, the situation becomes more complex. Try chewing on the opposite side until you see the dentist. If the break continues past the gum line, you may need a root canal and a crown. If the break is more serious, the tooth must be extracted. Cracks may be exacerbated by fillings.

7. Sensitive Teeth

When ice cream gets to your teeth, it shouldn’t hurt and it should taste good. As a first step, determine the cause. Some of the probable causes include cavities, damaged tooth enamel or fillings, gum disease, fractured teeth, and exposed roots. To repair tissue lost at the root, your dentist may prescribe a filling, a root canal, or gum therapy after assessing the situation. Instead, a fluoride gel, desensitizing toothpaste, or a strip may be required.

8. Too Many Teeth (Hyperdontia)

What is the total number of teeth you have? You were supposed to have 20 “baby” teeth, but you now have 32 adult teeth. Hyperdontia, or having extra teeth, is a somewhat unusual ailment. It is common in people who also have Gardner’s Syndrome or a cleft palate. The excess teeth must be pulled, and the bite must be corrected using orthodontics.

9. Crooked Teeth

The answer, orthodontics, is not only for children. Furthermore, correcting your bite and straightening your teeth results in more than just a lovely smile. It can help to improve overall oral health by alleviating symptoms such as jaw pain. Retainers, aligners, and braces may be used by orthodontists (metal or ceramic).

10. Gap Between Teeth

Periodontal diseases: Gap Between Teeth
What are the periodontal diseases of the tooth? What is one of the most common periodontal diseases? What does the most damage to your teeth?

A gap between the front teeth may not seem like a big deal to you. However, if you want to remedy it, you have cosmetic options including dental veneers or bonding, as well as orthodontics to move your teeth closer together.

11. Wisdom Teeth Problems

Consider yourself extremely lucky if your wisdom teeth or third molars came without incident, according to your dentist. 90% of persons have at least one partly or totally impacted wisdom teeth. Wisdom tooth problems can cause cavities, damage to surounding teeth, and gum disease. Wisdom teeth usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. Your dentist should monitor their growth. If they begin to create problems, they may need to be removed.

12. No Room to Floss

No matter how tight the fit, always allow room between your teeth for floss. In this situation, you may need to switch to waxed or thinner floss. You may also try using other instruments, such as a toothpick or a looped flosser. Use a product that works for you after some trial and error, and then stick with it. Daily flossing is necessary for good oral health.


What are the periodontal diseases of the tooth?

Some of the most common periodontal diseases that influence our oral health include cavities (tooth decay), gum disease (periodontitis), and oral cancer. More than 40% of persons reported suffering oral discomfort in the previous year, and by the age of 34, more than 80% will have had at least one cavity.

What is one of the most common periodontal diseases?

One of the most common periodontal diseases is tooth decay, which affects millions of children and adults worldwide. You risk acquiring cavities if you do not brush your teeth after consuming a lot of sugary and acidic foods and beverages. Cavities are caused by dental decay.

What does the most damage to your teeth?

Candy is the worst thing you can do to your teeth. Because they are high in sugar, saliva and water have a more difficult time washing them away from your teeth. To keep your teeth healthy, eat candies and snacks in moderation.

What foods clean your teeth?

There are certain specific foods that can help clean your teeth and mouth, but a balanced diet is crucial for both dental and general health:

  • Carrots.
  • Apples.
  • Celery sticks.
  • Popcorn.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Pears.
  • Lettuce.
  • Cheese.

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